Source code for radical.saga.job.job

__author__    = "Andre Merzky, Ole Weidner"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012-2013, The SAGA Project"
__license__   = "MIT"

""" SAGA job interface """

import radical.utils            as ru
import radical.utils.signatures as rus

from .constants  import *
from ..constants import SYNC, ASYNC, TASK
from ..adaptors  import base    as sab

from .. import attributes       as sa
from .. import exceptions       as se
from .. import sasync
from .. import task             as st
from .. import base             as sb

from .  import description      as descr

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Job (sb.Base, st.Task, sasync.Async) : '''Represents a SAGA job as defined in GFD.90 A 'Job' represents a running application instance, which may consist of one or more processes. Jobs are created by submitting a Job description to a Job submission system -- usually a queuing system, or some other service which spawns jobs on the user's behalf. Jobs have a unique ID (see get_job_id()), and are stateful entities -- their 'state' attribute changes according to a well defined state model: A job as returned by job.Service.create(jd) is in 'New' state -- it is not yet submitted to the job submission backend. Once it was submitted, via run(), it will enter the 'Pending' state, where it waits to get actually executed by the backend (e.g. waiting in a queue etc). Once the job is actually executed, it enters the 'Running' state -- only in that state is the job actually consuming resources (CPU, memory, ...). Jobs can leave the 'Running' state in three different ways: they finish successfully on their own ('Done'), they finish unsuccessfully on their own, or get canceled by the job management backend ('Failed'), or they get actively canceled by the user or the application ('Canceled'). The methods defined on the Job object serve two purposes: inspecting the job's state, and initiating job state transitions. ''' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (str), rus.optional (sab.Base), rus.optional (dict), rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns (rus.nothing) def __init__ (self, _method_type='run', _adaptor=None, _adaptor_state={}, _ttype=None) : ''' _adaptor`` references the adaptor class instance which created this task instance. The ``_method_type`` parameter is flattened into the job constructor to satisfy the bulk optimization properties of the saga.Task class, whose interface is implemented by saga.job.Job. ``_method_type`` specifies the SAGA API method which task is representing. For jobs, that is the 'run' method. We don't have a create classmethod -- jobs are never constructed by the user ''' if not _adaptor : raise se.IncorrectState ("saga.job.Job constructor is private") self._valid = False # we need to keep _method_type around, for the task interface (see # :class:`saga.Task`) self._method_type = _method_type # We need to specify a schema for adaptor selection -- and # simply choose the first one the adaptor offers. schema = _adaptor.get_schemas()[0] if 'job_schema' in _adaptor_state : schema = _adaptor_state['job_schema'] self._base = super (Job, self) self._base.__init__ (schema, _adaptor, _adaptor_state, ttype=None) # set attribute interface properties self._attributes_allow_private (True) self._attributes_extensible (False) self._attributes_camelcasing (True) # register properties with the attribute interface self._attributes_register (STATE, UNKNOWN, sa.ENUM, sa.SCALAR, sa.READONLY) self._attributes_register (EXIT_CODE, None, sa.INT, sa.SCALAR, sa.READONLY) self._attributes_register (CREATED, None, sa.INT, sa.SCALAR, sa.READONLY) self._attributes_register (STARTED, None, sa.INT, sa.SCALAR, sa.READONLY) self._attributes_register (FINISHED, None, sa.INT, sa.SCALAR, sa.READONLY) self._attributes_register (EXECUTION_HOSTS, None, sa.STRING, sa.VECTOR, sa.READONLY) self._attributes_register (ID, None, sa.STRING, sa.SCALAR, sa.READONLY) self._attributes_register (NAME, None, sa.STRING, sa.SCALAR, sa.READONLY) self._attributes_register (SERVICE_URL, None, sa.URL, sa.SCALAR, sa.READONLY) self._attributes_set_enums (STATE, [UNKNOWN, NEW, PENDING, RUNNING, DONE, FAILED, CANCELED, SUSPENDED]) self._attributes_set_getter (STATE, self.get_state) self._attributes_set_getter (ID, self.get_id) self._attributes_set_getter (NAME, self.get_name) self._attributes_set_getter (EXIT_CODE, self._get_exit_code) self._attributes_set_getter (CREATED, self._get_created) self._attributes_set_getter (STARTED, self._get_started) self._attributes_set_getter (FINISHED, self._get_finished) self._attributes_set_getter (EXECUTION_HOSTS, self._get_execution_hosts) self._attributes_set_getter (SERVICE_URL , self._get_service_url) self._valid = True # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @rus.takes ('Job') @rus.returns (str) def __str__ (self) : """ __str__() String representation. Returns the job's ID. """ if not self._valid : return 'no job id' return str ( # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((rus.nothing, str, st.Task)) def get_id (self, ttype=None) : """ get_id() Return the job ID. """ id = self._adaptor.get_id (ttype=ttype) return id
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((rus.nothing, str, st.Task)) def get_name (self, ttype=None) : """ get_name() Return the job name. """ name = self._adaptor.get_name(ttype=ttype) return name
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((str, st.Task)) def get_description (self, ttype=None) : """ get_description() Return the job description this job was created from. The returned description can be used to inspect job properties (executable name, arguments, etc.). It can also be used to start identical job instances. The returned job description will in general reflect the actual state of the running job, and is not necessarily a simple copy of the job description which was used to create the job instance. For example, the environment variables in the returned job description may reflect the actual environment of the running job instance. **Example**:: service = saga.job.Service("fork://localhost") jd = saga.job.Description () jd.executable = '/bin/date' j1 = service.create_job(jd) j2 = service.create_job(j1.get_description()) service.close() """ return self._adaptor.get_description (ttype=ttype)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((str, st.Task)) def get_stdin (self, ttype=None) : """ get_stdin() ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: string / saga.Task Return the job's STDIN as string. """ # FIXME: we have no means to set a stdin stream return self._adaptor.get_stdin (ttype=ttype) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((str, st.Task)) def get_stdout (self, ttype=None) : """ get_stdout() ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: string / saga.Task Return the job's STDOUT as string. """ return self._adaptor.get_stdout (ttype=ttype) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((str, st.Task)) def get_stdout_string (self, ttype=None) : """ get_stdout_string() Return the job's STDOUT as string. ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: string / saga.Task THIS METHOD IS DEPRECATED AND WILL BE REMOVED IN A FUTURE RELEASE. USE job.get_stdout() INSTEAD. """ return self.get_stdout (ttype=ttype)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((str, st.Task)) def get_stderr (self, ttype=None) : """ get_stderr() Return the job's STDERR as string. ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: string / saga.Task """ return self._adaptor.get_stderr (ttype=ttype) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((str, st.Task)) def get_stderr_string (self, ttype=None) : """ get_stderr_string() Return the job's STDERR. ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: string / saga.Task THIS METHOD IS DEPRECATED AND WILL BE REMOVED IN A FUTURE RELEASE. USE job.get_stderr() INSTEAD. """ return self.get_stderr(ttype=ttype)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((str, st.Task)) def get_log (self, ttype=None) : """ get_log_string() Return the job's log information, ie. backend specific log messages which have been collected during the job execution. Those messages also include stdout/stderr from the job's pre- and post-exec. The returned string generally contains one log message per line, but the format of the string is ultimately undefined. ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: string / saga.Task """ return self._adaptor.get_log (ttype=ttype)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((str, st.Task)) def get_log_string (self, ttype=None) : """ get_log_string() Return the job's log information, ie. backend specific log messages which have been collected during the job execution. Those messages also include stdout/stderr from the job's pre- and post-exec. The returned string generally contains one log message per line, but the format of the string is ultimately undefined. ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: string / saga.Task THIS METHOD IS DEPRECATED AND WILL BE REMOVED IN A FUTURE RELEASE. USE job.get_log() INSTEAD. """ return self.get_log (ttype=ttype)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((rus.nothing, st.Task)) def suspend (self, ttype=None) : """ suspend() Suspend the job. """ return self._adaptor.suspend (ttype=ttype) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((rus.nothing, st.Task)) def resume (self, ttype=None) : """ resume() Resume the job. """ return self._adaptor.resume (ttype=ttype) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((rus.nothing, st.Task)) def checkpoint (self, ttype=None) : """ checkpoint() Checkpoint the job. """ return self._adaptor.checkpoint (ttype=ttype) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @rus.takes ('Job', descr.Description, rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((rus.nothing, st.Task)) def migrate (self, jd, ttype=None) : """ jd: saga.job.Description ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: None / saga.Task """ return self._adaptor.migrate (jd, ttype=ttype) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Job', int, rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((rus.nothing, st.Task)) def signal (self, signum, ttype=None) : """ signal(signum) Send a signal to the job. :param signum: signal to send :type signum: int """ return self._adaptor.signal (signum, ttype=ttype)
#----------------------------------------------------------------- # id = property (get_id) # string description = property (get_description) # Description #stdin = property (get_stdin) # File stdout = property (get_stdout_string) # string stderr = property (get_stderr_string) # string log = property (get_log) # string #----------------------------------------------------------------- # # task methods flattened into job :-/ #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((rus.nothing, st.Task)) def run (self, ttype=None) : """ run() Run (start) the job. Request that the job is being executed by the backend. If the backend is accepting this run request, the job will move to the 'Pending' or 'Running' state -- otherwise this method will raise an error, and the job will be moved to 'Failed'. **Example**:: js = saga.job.Service("fork://localhost") jd = saga.job.Description () jd.executable = '/bin/date' j = js.create_job(jd) if j.get_state() == saga.job.NEW : print("new") else : print("oops!") if j.get_state() == saga.job.PENDING : print("pending") elif j.get_state() == saga.job.RUNNING : print("running") else : print("oops!") """ return (ttype=ttype)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Job', float, rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((rus.nothing, st.Task)) def cancel (self, timeout=None, ttype=None) : """ cancel(timeout) Cancel the execution of the job. :param timeout: `cancel` will return after timeout :type timeout: float **Example**:: js = saga.job.Service("fork://localhost") jd = saga.job.Description () jd.executable = '/bin/date' j = js.create_job(jd) if j.get_state() == saga.job.NEW : print("new") else : print("oops!") if j.get_state() == saga.job.PENDING : print("pending") elif j.get_state() == saga.job.RUNNING : print("running") else : print("oops!") j.cancel() if j.get_state() == saga.job.CANCELED : print("canceled") else : print("oops!") """ return self._adaptor.cancel (timeout, ttype=ttype)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (float), rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((bool, st.Task)) def wait (self, timeout=None, ttype=None) : """ wait(timeout) :param timeout: `wait` will return after timeout :type timeout: float Wait for a running job to finish execution. The optional timeout parameter specifies the time to wait, and accepts the following values:: timeout < 0 : wait forever (block) -- same for 'None' timeout == 0 : wait not at all (non-blocking test) timeout > 0 : wait for 'timeout' seconds On a non-negative timeout, the call can thus return even if the job is not in final state, and the application should check the actual job state. The default timeout value is 'None' (blocking). **Example**:: js = saga.job.Service("fork://localhost") jd = saga.job.Description () jd.executable = '/bin/date' j = js.create_job(jd) if j.get_state() == saga.job.NEW : print("new") else : print("oops!") if j.get_state() == saga.job.PENDING : print("pending") elif j.get_state() == saga.job.RUNNING : print("running") else : print("oops!") j.wait(-1.0) if j.get_state() == saga.job.DONE : print("done") elif j.get_state() == saga.job.FAILED : print("failed") else : print("oops!") """ if None == timeout : timeout = -1.0 # FIXME return self._adaptor.wait (timeout, ttype=ttype)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((rus.one_of (UNKNOWN, NEW, PENDING, RUNNING, SUSPENDED, DONE, FAILED, CANCELED), st.Task)) def get_state (self, ttype=None) : """ get_state() Return the current state of the job. **Example**:: js = saga.job.Service("fork://localhost") jd = saga.job.Description () jd.executable = '/bin/date' j = js.create_job(jd) if j.get_state() == saga.job.NEW : print("new") else : print("oops!") if j.get_state() == saga.job.PENDING : print("pending") elif j.get_state() == saga.job.RUNNING : print("running") else : print("oops!") """ return self._adaptor.get_state (ttype=ttype)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((rus.anything, st.Task)) def get_result (self, ttype=None) : """ get_result() """ return self._adaptor.get_result (ttype=ttype) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((sb.Base, st.Task)) def get_object (self, ttype=None) : """ :todo: describe me :note: this will return the job_service which created the job. """ return self._adaptor.get_object (ttype=ttype) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((se.SagaException, st.Task)) def get_exception (self, ttype=None) : """ :todo: describe me :note: if job failed, that will get an exception describing why, if that exists. Otherwise, the call returns None. """ if self.state == FAILED : return se.NoSuccess ("job stderr: %s" % self.get_stderr_string ()) else : return None # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @rus.takes ('Job') @rus.returns (rus.nothing) def re_raise (self) : """ :todo: describe me :note: if job failed, that will re-raise an exception describing why, if that exists. Otherwise, the call does nothing. """ if self.state == FAILED : raise se.NoSuccess ("job stderr: %s" % self.get_stderr_string ()) else : return # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # # attribute getters # @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((rus.nothing, int, st.Task)) def _get_exit_code (self, ttype=None) : return self._adaptor.get_exit_code(ttype=ttype) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((rus.nothing, float, st.Task)) def _get_created (self, ttype=None) : return self._adaptor.get_created (ttype=ttype) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((rus.nothing, float, st.Task)) def _get_started (self, ttype=None) : return self._adaptor.get_started (ttype=ttype) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((rus.nothing, float, st.Task)) def _get_finished (self, ttype=None) : return self._adaptor.get_finished (ttype=ttype) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((rus.nothing, rus.list_of (str), st.Task)) def _get_execution_hosts (self, ttype=None) : return self._adaptor.get_execution_hosts (ttype=ttype) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @rus.takes ('Job', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((rus.nothing, ru.Url, st.Task)) def _get_service_url (self, ttype=None) : return self._adaptor.get_service_url (ttype=ttype) name = property (get_name) # job name state = property (get_state) # state enum result = property (get_result) # result type (None) object = property (get_object) # object type (job_service) exception = property (re_raise) # exception type # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ExitCode = property (doc = """ The job's exitcode. this attribute is only meaningful if the job is in 'Done' or 'Final' state - for all other job states, this attribute value is undefined. **Example**:: js = saga.job.Service("fork://localhost") jd = saga.job.Description () jd.executable = '/bin/date' j = js.create_job(jd) j.wait() if j.get_state() == saga.job.FAILED : if j.exitcode == "42" : print("Ah, galaxy bypass error!") else : print("oops!") """) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # JobID = property (doc = """ The job's identifier. This attribute is equivalent to the value returned by job.get_job_id() """) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ServiceURL = property (doc = """ The URL of the :class:`saga.job.Service` instance managing this job. This attribute is represents the URL under where the job management service can be contacted which owns the job. The value is equivalent to the service part of the job_id. **Example**:: js = saga.job.Service("fork://localhost") jd = saga.job.Description () jd.executable = '/bin/date' j = js.create_job(jd) if j.serviceurl == "fork://localhost" : print("yes!") else : print("oops!") """)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # class Self (Job, monitoring.Steerable) : # class Self (Job) : # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @rus.takes ('Self', rus.optional (str), rus.optional (sab.Base), rus.optional (dict), rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns (rus.nothing) def __init__ (self, _method_type='run', _adaptor=None, _adaptor_state={}, _ttype=None) : self._base = super (Job, self) self._base.__init__ (_method_type, _adaptor, _adaptor_state, _ttype=_ttype)