Source code for

__author__    = "Andre Merzky, Ole Weidner, Alexander Grill"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012-2013, The SAGA Project"
__license__   = "MIT"

import radical.utils               as ru
import radical.utils.signatures    as rus

from .constants  import *
from ..constants import SYNC, ASYNC, TASK
from ..adaptors  import base       as sab
from ..namespace import directory  as nsdir

from .. import session             as ss
from .. import task                as st

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[docs]class Directory (nsdir.Directory) : """ Represents a (remote) directory. The saga.filesystem.Directory class represents, as the name indicates, a directory on some (local or remote) filesystem. That class offers a number of operations on that directory, such as listing its contents, copying files, or creating subdirectories:: # get a directory handle dir = saga.filesystem.Directory("sftp://localhost/tmp/") # create a subdir dir.make_dir ("data/") # list contents of the directory files = dir.list () # copy *.dat files into the subdir for f in files : if f ^ '^.*\.dat$' : dir.copy (f, "sftp://localhost/tmp/data/") """ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Directory', rus.optional ((ru.Url, str)), rus.optional (int, rus.nothing), rus.optional (ss.Session), rus.optional (sab.Base), rus.optional (dict), rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns (rus.nothing) def __init__ (self, url=None, flags=READ, session=None, _adaptor=None, _adaptor_state={}, _ttype=None) : """ __init__(url, flags=READ, session) Construct a new directory object :param url: Url of the (remote) directory :type url: :class:`saga.Url` :param flags: :ref:`filesystemflags` :param session: :class:`saga.Session` The specified directory is expected to exist -- otherwise a DoesNotExist exception is raised. Also, the URL must point to a directory (not to a file), otherwise a BadParameter exception is raised. Example:: # open some directory dir = saga.filesystem.Directory("sftp://localhost/tmp/") # and list its contents files = dir.list () """ # param checks if not flags : flags = 0 url = ru.Url (url) if not url.schema : url.schema = 'file' if not : = 'localhost' self._nsdirec = super (Directory, self) self._nsdirec.__init__ (url, flags, session, _adaptor, _adaptor_state, _ttype=_ttype)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @classmethod @rus.takes ('Directory', rus.optional ((ru.Url, str)), rus.optional (int, rus.nothing), rus.optional (ss.Session), rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns (st.Task) def create (cls, url=None, flags=READ, session=None, ttype=None) : """ url: saga.Url flags: saga.replica.flags enum session: saga.Session ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: saga.Task """ if not flags : flags = 0 _nsdir = super (Directory, cls) return _nsdir.create (url, flags, session, ttype=ttype) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # # filesystem directory methods #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Directory', (ru.Url, str), rus.optional (int, rus.nothing), rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns (('File', st.Task)) def open (self, path, flags=READ, ttype=None) : """ open(path, flags=READ) Open a file in the directory instance namespace. Returns a new file object. :param path: The name/path of the file to open :type path: str() :param flags: :ref:`filesystemflags` """ if not flags : flags = 0 return (path, flags, ttype=ttype)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Directory', (ru.Url, str), rus.optional (int, rus.nothing), rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns (('Directory', st.Task)) def open_dir (self, path, flags=READ, ttype=None) : """ open_dir(path, flags=READ) Open a directory in the directory instance namespace. Returns a new directory object. :param path: The name/path of the directory to open :type path: str() :param flags: :ref:`filesystemflags` Example:: # create a subdir 'data' in /tmp dir = saga.namespace.Directory("sftp://localhost/tmp/") data = dir.open_dir ('data/', saga.namespace.Create) """ if not flags : flags = 0 return self._adaptor.open_dir (path, flags, ttype=ttype)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Directory', rus.optional ((ru.Url, str)), rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((int, st.Task)) def get_size (self, path=None, ttype=None) : """ get_size(path=None) Return the size of the directory itself or the entry pointed to by `path`. :param path: (Optional) name/path of an entry :type path: str() Returns the size of a file or directory (in bytes) Example:: # inspect a file for its size dir = saga.filesystem.Directory("sftp://localhost/tmp/") size = dir.get_size ('data/data.bin') print(size) """ if path : return self._adaptor.get_size (path, ttype=ttype) else : return self._adaptor.get_size_self ( ttype=ttype)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Directory', rus.optional (bool)) @rus.returns (st.Task) def close (self, kill=True, ttype=None) : ''' kill : bool ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: string / bytearray / saga.Task ''' return self._adaptor.close ()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Directory', rus.optional ((ru.Url, str)), rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((bool, st.Task)) def is_file (self, path=None, ttype=None) : """ is_file(path=None) Returns `True` if entry points to a file, `False` otherwise. If `path` is not none, the entry pointed to by `path` is inspected instead of the directory object itself. :param path: (Optional) name/path of an entry :type path: str() """ if path : return self._adaptor.is_file (path, ttype=ttype) else : return self._adaptor.is_file_self ( ttype=ttype)
size = property (get_size) # int
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