Source code for radical.saga.namespace.entry

__author__    = "Andre Merzky"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012-2013, The SAGA Project"
__license__   = "MIT"

import radical.utils            as ru
import radical.utils.signatures as rus

from ..constants import SYNC, ASYNC, TASK
from ..adaptors  import base    as sab

from .. import session          as ss
from .. import task             as st
from .. import base             as sb
from .. import sasync

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[docs]class Entry (sb.Base, sasync.Async) : ''' Represents a SAGA namespace entry as defined in GFD.90 The saga.namespace.Entry class represents, as the name indicates, an entry in some (local or remote) namespace. That class offers a number of operations on that entry, such as copy, move and remove:: # get an entry handle entry = saga.namespace.Entry ("sftp://localhost/tmp/data/data.bin") # copy the entry entry.copy ("sftp://localhost/tmp/data/data.bak") # move the entry entry.move ("sftp://localhost/tmp/data/") ''' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Entry', rus.optional ((ru.Url, str)), rus.optional (int, rus.nothing), rus.optional (ss.Session), rus.optional (sab.Base), rus.optional (dict), rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns (rus.nothing) def __init__ (self, url=None, flags=None, session=None, _adaptor=None, _adaptor_state={}, _ttype=None) : ''' :param url: Url of the (remote) entry :type url: :class:`saga.Url` flags: flags enum session: saga.Session ret: obj Construct a new entry object The specified entry is expected to exist -- otherwise a DoesNotExist exception is raised. Also, the URL must point to an entry (not to a directory), otherwise a BadParameter exception is raised. Example:: # get an entry handle entry = saga.namespace.Entry("sftp://localhost/tmp/data/data.bin") # print the entry's url print(entry.get_url ()) ''' self._session = session self._is_recursive = False # recursion guard (FIXME: NOT THREAD SAFE) # param checks if not session : session = ss.Session (default=True) if not flags : flags = 0 url = ru.Url (url) scheme = url.scheme.lower () self._base = super (Entry, self) self._base.__init__ (scheme, _adaptor, _adaptor_state, url, flags, session, ttype=_ttype)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @classmethod @rus.takes ('Entry', rus.optional ((ru.Url, str)), rus.optional (int, rus.nothing), rus.optional (ss.Session), rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns (st.Task) def create (cls, url=None, flags=None, session=None, ttype=None) : ''' url: saga.Url flags: saga.namespace.flags enum session: saga.Session ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: saga.Task ''' # param checks if not flags : flags = 0 if not session : session = ss.Session (default=True) return cls (url, flags, session, _ttype=ttype)._init_task # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # # namespace entry methods #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Entry', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((ru.Url, st.Task)) def get_url (self, ttype=None) : ''' ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: saga.Url / saga.Task Return the complete url pointing to the entry. The call will return the complete url pointing to this entry as a saga.Url object:: # print URL of an entry entry = saga.namespace.Entry("sftp://localhost/etc/passwd") print(entry.get_url()) ''' return self._adaptor.get_url (ttype=ttype)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Entry', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((str, st.Task)) def get_cwd (self, ttype=None) : ''' ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: string / saga.Task ''' return self._adaptor.get_cwd (ttype=ttype)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Entry', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((str, st.Task)) def get_name (self, ttype=None) : ''' ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: string / saga.Task ''' return self._adaptor.get_name (ttype=ttype)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # # namespace entry / directory methods #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Entry', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((bool, st.Task)) def is_dir (self, ttype=None) : ''' ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: bool / saga.Task Returns True if path is a directory, False otherwise. Example:: # inspect an entry dir = saga.namespace.Directory("sftp://localhost/tmp/") if dir.is_dir ('data'): # do something ''' return self._adaptor.is_dir_self (ttype=ttype)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Entry', rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((bool, st.Task)) def is_entry (self, ttype=None) : ''' ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: bool / saga.Task ''' return self._adaptor.is_entry_self (ttype=ttype)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Entry', (ru.Url, str), rus.optional (int, rus.nothing), rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((rus.nothing, st.Task)) def copy (self, tgt, flags=0, ttype=None) : ''' tgt: saga.Url flags: enum flags ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: None / saga.Task Copy the entry to another location :param target: Url of the copy target. :param flags: Flags to use for the operation. The entry is copied to the given target location. The target URL must be an absolute path, and can be a target entry name or target directory name. If the target entry exists, it is overwritten:: # copy an entry entry = saga.namespace.Entry("sftp://localhost/tmp/data/data.bin") entry.copy ("sftp://localhost/tmp/data/data.bak") ''' # parameter checks if not flags : flags = 0 return self._adaptor.copy_self (tgt, flags, ttype=ttype)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Entry', (ru.Url, str), rus.optional (int, rus.nothing), rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((rus.nothing, st.Task)) def move (self, tgt, flags=0, ttype=None) : ''' :param target: Url of the move target. :param flags: Flags to use for the operation. ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: None / saga.Task Move the entry to another location The entry is copied to the given target location. The target URL must be an absolute path, and can be a target entry name or target directory name. If the target entry exists, it is overwritten:: # copy an entry entry = rs.namespace.Directory("sftp://localhost/tmp/data/data.bin") entry.move ("sftp://localhost/tmp/data/data.bak") ''' if not flags : flags = 0 return self._adaptor.move_self (tgt, flags, ttype=ttype)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Entry', rus.optional (int, rus.nothing), rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((rus.nothing, st.Task)) def remove (self, flags=0, ttype=None) : ''' :param flags: Flags to use for the operation. ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: None / saga.Task Reove the entry. The entry is removed, and this object instance is then invalid for further operations. # remove an entry entry = rs.namespace.Directory("sftp://localhost/tmp/data/data.bin") entry.remove () ''' if not flags : flags = 0 return self._adaptor.remove_self (flags, ttype=ttype)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @rus.takes ('Entry', rus.optional (float), rus.optional (rus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK))) @rus.returns ((rus.nothing, st.Task)) def close (self, timeout=None, ttype=None) : ''' timeout: float ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: None / saga.Task ''' return self._adaptor.close (timeout, ttype=ttype)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # url = property (get_url) # saga.Url cwd = property (get_cwd) # string name = property (get_name) # string
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