Source code for radical.saga.url

__author__    = "Andre Merzky, Ole Weidner"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012-2013, The SAGA Project"
__license__   = "MIT"

import radical.utils            as ru
import radical.utils.signatures as rus

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[docs]class Url (ru.Url) : """ The SAGA Url class. URLs are used in several places in the SAGA API: to specify service endpoints for job submission or resource management, for file or directory locations, etc. The URL class is designed to simplify URL management for these purposes -- it allows to manipulate individual URL elements, while ensuring that the resulting URL is well formatted. Example:: # create a URL from a string location = saga.Url ("file://localhost/tmp/file.dat") d = saga.filesystem.Directory(location) A URL consists of the following components (where one or more can be 'None'):: <scheme>://<user>:<pass>@<host>:<port>/<path>?<query>#<fragment> Each of these components can be accessed via its property or alternatively, via getter / setter methods. Example:: url = saga.Url ("scheme://pass:user@host:123/path?query#fragment") # modify the scheme url.scheme = "anotherscheme" # above is equivalent with url.set_scheme("anotherscheme") """ @rus.takes ('Url', rus.optional (str, 'Url')) @rus.returns (rus.nothing) def __init__ (self, url_in=''): """ __init__(url_string='') Create a new Url object from a string or another Url object. """ self._super = super (Url, self) self._super.__init__ (url_in) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @rus.takes ('Url', ('Url', dict)) @rus.returns ('Url') def __deepcopy__ (self, memo) : """ __deepcopy__(self, memo) Deep copy of a Url """ return Url (self)
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