************* Configuration ************* .. note:: This section is outdated! .. note:: SAGA has been designed as a zero-configuration library. Unless you are experiencing problems with one of the default configuration settings, there's really no need to create a configuration file for SAGA. SAGA and its individual middleware adaptors provide various optional :ref:`conf_options`. While SAGA tries to provide sensible default values for the majority of these options (zero-conf), it can sometimes be necessary to modify or extend SAGA's configuration. SAGA provides two ways to access and modify its configuration: via :ref:`conf_file` (recommended) and via the :ref:`conf_api` (for advanced use-cases). .. _conf_file: Configuration Files ------------------- If you need to make persistent changes to any of SAGA's :ref:`conf_options`, the simplest option is to create a configuration file. During startup, SAGA checks for the existence of a configuration file in `$HOME/.saga.conf`. If that configuration file is found, it is parsed by SAGA's configuration system. SAGA configuration files use a structure that looks like this:: [radical.saga.engine] option = value [radical.saga.logger] option = value [radical.saga.adaptor.name] option = value .. _conf_api: Configuration API ----------------- Module radical.saga.utils.config ********************************* The config module provides classes and functions to introspect and modify SAGA's configuration. The :func:`getConfig` function is used to get the :class:`GlobalConfig` object which represents the current configuration of SAGA:: from radical.saga.utils.config import getConfig sagaconf = getConfig() print sagaconf.get_category('saga.utils.logger') .. automodule:: radical.saga.utils.config :members: