3.6. Replica Management

The replica management module provides an interface to (distributed) data replication services, like for example iRODS.

The basic usage of the replica module is as follows:

myfile = radical.saga.replica.LogicalFile("irods://localhost/"+TEMP_FILENAME)

mydir = radical.saga.replica.LogicalDirectory("irods://localhost/" + IRODS_DIRECTORY)

Like all SAGA modules, the replica module relies on middleware adaptors to provide bindings to a specific resource manager. Adaptors are implicitly selected via the scheme part of the URL, e.g., local:// in the example above selects the local replica adaptor.


A list of available adaptors and supported resource managers can be found in the Developer Documentation part of this documentation.

The rest of this section is structured as follows:

3.6.1. Flags

The following constants are defined as valid flags for logical file and directory methods:


3.6.2. Logical File – radical.saga.replica.LogicalFile

class radical.saga.replica.LogicalFile(url=None, flags=512, session=None, _adaptor=None, _adaptor_state={}, _ttype=None)[source]
__init__(url=None, flags=READ, session=None)[source]

url: saga.Url flags: flags enum session: saga.Session ret: obj


Add a physical location.

name: saga.Url ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: None / saga.Task

download(name, src=None, flags=None)[source]

Download a physical file.

name: saga.Url src: saga.Url flags: flags enum ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: None / saga.Task


Return the size of the file.

ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: int / saga.Task

Returns the size of the physical file represented by this logical file (in bytes)


# get a file handle
lf = saga.replica.LogicalFile("irods://localhost/tmp/data.bin")

# print the logical file's size
print(lf.get_size ())

ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: bool / saga.Task


List all physical locations of a logical file.

ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: list [saga.Url] / saga.Task


Remove a physical location.

name: saga.Url ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: None / saga.Task


Replicate a logical file.

name: saga.Url flags: flags enum ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: None / saga.Task

update_location(old, new)[source]

Updates a physical location.

old: saga.Url new: saga.Url ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: None / saga.Task

upload(name, tgt=None, flags=None)[source]

Upload a physical file.

name: saga.Url tgt: saga.Url flags: flags enum ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: None / saga.Task

3.6.3. Logical Directory – radical.saga.replica.LogicalDirectory

class radical.saga.replica.LogicalDirectory(url=None, flags=512, session=None, _adaptor=None, _adaptor_state={}, _ttype=None)[source]
__init__(url, flags=READ, session=None)[source]

Create a new Logical Directory instance.

url: saga.Url flags: flags enum session: saga.Session ret: obj

find(name_pattern, attr_pattern=None, flags=RECURSIVE)[source]

name_pattern: string attr_pattern: string flags: flags enum ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: list [saga.Url] / saga.Task


tgt: logical file to get size for ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: int / saga.Task

Returns the size of the physical file represented by the given logical file (in bytes)


# get a logical directory handle
lf = saga.replica.LogicalFile("irods://localhost/tmp/data/")

# print a logical file's size
print(lf.get_size ('data.dat'))

tgt: saga.Url / string ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: bool / saga.Task

open(tgt, flags=READ)[source]

tgt: saga.Url flags: saga.namespace.flags enum ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: saga.namespace.Entry / saga.Task

open_dir(tgt, flags=READ)[source]
  • tgt – name/path of the directory to open

  • flags – directory creation flags

ttype: saga.task.type enum ret: saga.namespace.Directory / saga.Task

Open and return a new directoy

The call opens and returns a directory at the given location.


# create a subdir 'data' in /tmp
dir = saga.namespace.Directory("sftp://localhost/tmp/")
data = dir.open_dir ('data/', saga.namespace.Create)